The digital world moves so quickly—and for some, simply too fast. Young kids seem to have it all under control. With their mastery of the Internet, cell phones, computers, ipads and other tech tools,
The digital world moves so quickly—and for some, simply too fast. Young kids seem to have it all under control. With their mastery of the Internet, cell phones, computers, ipads and other tech tools, they have an innate understanding of how to navigate all the tasks society imposes upon them. For seniors, it’s a different story. The warp speed in which things change leads to an inability for elderly people to adapt or cope with information technologies. Worrying about where contacts are stored, what apps are and how they work, which passwords were used—these are all real scenarios seniors face.
At Chateau Glengarry, our staff is fully aware of technostress and works to help lessen the burden of “keeping up”.
We like to give our seniors the following tips:
We’re only human and we have to accept that we can’t be good at everything—technology included. The staff at Chateau Glengarry is here to help you stay connected to your friends and family by using whatever digital tools are available to you. You simply have to ask!
We always encourage our residents to keep strong by exercising their bodies. And we also encourage them to exercise their brains by learning new technologies. It’s best to learn one thing at a time until you feel comfortable. Whether that’s how to use a video conferencing app like FaceTime or Skype or simply doing a search for information on the Internet, start learning one new thing and when you feel comfortable with that, you can move onto the next skill.
It’s important to choose electronic products that suit your lifestyle. If you simply use your device to read and maybe video call your grandchildren, a tablet might be right for you. If you want an all-in-one device to make calls, surf the internet, and play games, perhaps a smartphone could work. We suggest that seniors discuss your needs with your children and/or the staff at Chateau Glengarry. They can help identify what might be right for you.
If any experience with technology continues to be stressful, anxiety-inducing, and depressing, it’s OK to back off and try again later. Self-care should be your priority. So make sure you sleep well, eat well, and move your body. Don’t underestimate the benefits of hobbies, recreational sport, music, art, and simply connecting with your friends and family. You may also ask your doctor about your difficulties with technology. If they feel it’s appropriate, they may refer you to a specialist in the field or make other suggestions to lessen your anxiety.
Chateau Glengarry offers relaxed, safe, and comfortable retirement living and respite care in a beautiful setting in Eastern Ontario. For more information or to book a tour, call us at 613-524-4440 or fill out our contact form.
Let’s upgrade our technical skills gracefully together! At Chateau Glengarry Retirement Home Living Center, we comply with government recommended health measures and has track records in offering a relaxed, safe, and comfortable retirement living and respite care in a beautiful rural setting in Eastern Ontario. For more information or to book a tour, call us at 613-524-4440 or email: [email protected]; [email protected];
Contact Diane St-Denis at Chateau Glengarry Retirement
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